Thursday, December 23, 2010

Extra time ??

We had planned to go up Table Mountain on the final day and then to go to the Waterfront to shop. This now changed for two reasons, our extra time in Cape Town and the fact that the mountain was in cloud and it was drizzling. So after breakfast we had a gentle clear up and we bid farewell ( not too fond a farewell ) to Jan van Riebeck's boarding hostel. Its facilities were somewhat run down three years ago and the fact that nothing had been done in the intervening years gave the place a sad look. It had suited our purpose for the final 5 days as effectively all we did was to sleep and eat breakfast there but the prospect of an additional two days there was not an option, especially as many of the side had been bitten by insects during the night and therefore not slept well!

As an alternative to Table Mountain ( expecting to do that on one of the two additional days ) a tour of Newlands - the Test Match ground in Cape Town - was arranged. The team seemed to enjoy that a lot. After lunch we moved into our recently booked hotel for the next two nights.

With the internet access in the hotel and following info from Henlo our driver that Heathrow was opening its second runway JGB consulted SAA's website. This indicated that the flight on which we were originally booked was flying. Our agents in London said no - so undaunted JGB phoned the SAA help line which also by way of recorded message said the flight was going. London said it would check with SAA but thought this was out of date news. The hotel desk gave JGB a number of direct numbers for Cape Town airport and after a couple of tries JGB spoke to an agent of SAA who confirmed that the flight would depart that evening and that we had 20 seats booked on the plane. As this was being confirmed London sent a text saying phone urgently! They had finally been given the same news.

The time by this stage was 15.45 and the plane flew at 20.20 so time was very short. All the unpacking that had just been done had to be reversed quickly and after the shortest stop at a hotel ever, barely 3 hours after checking in the team was back on the coach en route for the airport.

There was a bit of hassle checking in as their computers showed that the original booking had been rescheduled for the 24th. This was soon overcome and the team flew from Cape Town at the time originally scheduled.

Thus a great tour ended, Whilst not the best in terms of results, given the two mis matches in Namibia the overall performance was actually most encouraging. Many younger players came through and showed their potential and for all their cricket will have improved as a result of the experience. The batting remained a little too brittle but the future bowling looks to be in safe ( if young ) hands and it is is a great basis for the future.

The team is to be commended for the way in which it played its cricket - always within the spirit of the game and that is most encouraging. The team was also an excellent advert for Bancroft's and for Bancroftians in general. So many people, opposition parents and umpires, people who simply came across the team and indeed opponents commended the team for their general attitude and behaviour as well as for their maturity.

They were a credit to the school and a great pleasure to take away.

All photos for the trip will be posted on the pupils' drive of the computer system early next term. I assume all will be able to gain access and take any photos that they want. If there are any problems do let me know.

"Blogger" Bromfield

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